Name: Clem French
Location: Boscombe
Services: Birth Doula
A bit about me: I currently live with my husband and 2 year old little girl, Eden in a lovely peaceful spot looking at the ocean in Boscombe, Bournemouth. We love surfing, sunshine, smoothies and generally living as relaxed as we can 🙂 ‘To go with the flow’ would probably be my mantra for life!
My journey with birth in particular began a number of years ago when I was invited to be present at my friends birth. I was awestruck at the capability of the womans body to do what it needed to do…the power and inner capacity we women have to birth captivated me and so my journey as a Doula began! The more I learn and experience the more I am inspired to share and support other women to have the most positive and life giving birth experience possible.
I believe my job is to encourage you to know your own strength and capability, that which is there in all of us.
Every woman has the right to feel safe, relaxed and cared for thus reducing fear and enabling the best possible pregnancy/birth experience and helping with the early attachment process. I would hope to empower you to make the decisions that are right for you, be it a home birth or hospital, to hypnobirth or have a cesarean, as a doula, I simply arm you with all the information so you can make educated informed choices, feel heard and supported, and never judged.
I am always happy to listen and give suggestions. I have access to Birth and Doula UK forums where doula’s from around the country support each other, share useful information and answer queries so you can consider yourself very well supported by a caring network of lovely Doulas!
Ultimately, I love creating a calm, safe space for women to be free to be who they truly are – amazing and perfectly designed to give birth! The majority of work I do is voluntary for vunerable women, those who for a number of different and complex reasons are facing birth (usually hospital) completely alone and terrified. To see their experience transformed simply by having love and support is literally the best job in the world!
For me the most important part of my role is in the preparation, building up a relationship of trust so you can journey into motherhood with as much confidence in yourself and as little fear and anxiety as possible. I would be more than happy to meet for a coffee and informal chat to see if I may be the right person to support you, I am flexible with my time and open to supporting you in any way I can antenatal, in birth or postnatally so lets chat!
Bournemouth Dorset United Kingdom